The Impact of Time Management on Your Business

Time is a limited resource. We only have 24 hours a day, so the skills that help us better manage time and the implementation of technological solutions that facilitate this process are highly relevant. Especially because of the positive impact they have on productivity and, consequently, on the customer experience.

Next, we will address the impact of time management on your business and its importance in creating workflows that allow companies to move more easily towards their goals.

What is time management?

Time management refers to the process of effectively organizing the time that is allocated to fulfill specific activities within a company. Its objective is to optimize the performance and efficiency of work teams, therefore, it is of great importance to guarantee greater overall productivity.

Advantages of good time management in organizations

When we organize and plan working time working with the help of technological tools and methodologies that facilitate internal company processes, it is possible to obtain interesting benefits. That is why we will delve into some important advantages derived from good time management in organizations:

1. Higher level of productivity and efficiency

Proper time management allows human resources to be more efficient and productive in fulfilling their duties, exerting less effort. It also improves the dimensioning capacity in the assigned tasks, making better use of the working day.

2. Reduced stress levels

It manages to reduce the stress levels classically associated with tight delivery times for important tasks. By managing time it is possible to reduce rush and tight deadlines, generating higher quality results.

3. Better work environment

When your team of employees experience less stress through streamlined workflows and proper time management, they are likely to get along better, reducing the potential for friction. Time management is critical to employee retention and a healthy work environment.

4. Ease of decision making

At the managerial level, companies that apply methodologies and technological solutions for time management and control of internal processes will have an easier time making better strategic decisions, vital for the health and proper functioning of the business.

5. The objectives are achieved in less time

By knowing exactly how long each task will take, it will be possible to correctly allocate material and human resources to carry out daily tasks and pursue the objectives set. Managing time makes us more agile and efficient, managing to achieve objectives in less time.

6. Better brand reputation

All of the above is transferred to the customer experience, becoming a determining factor in providing a quality service and achieving satisfied customers. Clients will feel good when they pay attention to a service company that respects both the time of its users and that of its own employees.

Essential elements for time management

How many times have we forgotten pending tasks? Relying on workers’ memory is not the smartest move to ensure proper workflow; It is more convenient to rely on time management techniques to support the work of the work team and to raise productivity levels.

Advance planning

In principle, it will not be possible to improve the workflow or time management without proper advance planning of the objectives and the set of daily tasks and/or goals necessary to achieve them. Each of the pending tasks must be planned in advance and assigned to the appropriate team, so that time is not wasted in completing them.

Implementation of technological tools

Most of the routine tasks in a company, in any of the business areas, can be managed from technological tools such as a BPM (Business Process Management) for the automation of the workflow and management of repetitive day-to-day tasks in administrative matters. , operational and business.

Process automation

It is also essential to use technology to automate relevant processes, transferring them to digital channels. An example of this would be the implementation of queuing systems or omnichannel appointment scheduling systems, tools that are especially useful in service companies, as they improve the quality of customer service.

Similarly, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can become an important support. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is ideal for companies that wish to guide their work teams to achieve the highest possible level of efficiency and ensure that the company is better prepared for the future.

Setting clear goals and objectives

Working in an organization that lacks goals and objectives will be like navigating aimlessly without the help of a map. It is necessary for companies to establish clear, realistic, achievable and measurable goals and objectives. This applies both to the organization in general and to all areas involved in its operation.

Delegate responsibilities

It is also necessary to learn to trust the quality of the work of the contracted personnel, delegating functions and responsibilities according to the level of specialization of each one. In this way, joint, coordinated and correctly supervised work will ensure that all pending tasks on a given project can be completed within an appropriate period.

Prioritization of tasks according to their importance

Most of the time when tasks are not completed on time, it is due to prioritization errors. It is necessary to rank the priorities of the set of pending tasks, a very practical way to categorize them is as follows: very urgent, important, tasks that can wait, tasks that can be delegated and tasks that can be eliminated; thus achieving that anyone who is part of the workflow is very clear about their priority.

How to carry out time management?

Now that you understand what time management at work is, here are tips on how to manage your time:

1. Start planning

Planning is one of the main points of time management. First of all, you must have self-awareness to know how much time you spend on those activities. It’s useless trying to “make it work” as time is a mathematical thing and it’s hard to multitask.

2. Define priorities

Then define the priorities of your day. What is the most important thing to deliver today? Make a list of everything, use a planner, your mobile phone calendar, a project management application or whatever tool works for you.

The Pareto Principle says that 80% of your success comes from 20% of your activities. And it is that 20% that you must identify and prioritize.

3. Set deadlines

When you have a tangible goal, it is much easier to accomplish a task. The deadline works as an incentive to carry out the activities. In addition, with the defined dates, managers can keep track of employee deliveries.

4. Foreseeable contingencies?

You have to understand that unforeseen events happen and that, even if you don’t have control over the time that they are going to take away from you in the day, you have to plan for the gaps in your schedule.

5. Decentralize work

Many professionals end up overburdening themselves simply because they find it difficult to delegate tasks. Most people think: “I can do it better and faster”, but the truth is that the activity could be done by someone else without taking up your time.

6. Reduce the number of meetings

Most professionals waste a lot of their time in long meetings that could be resolved in no time or even by sending an email.

By the way, a study published in the Harvard Business Review shows that employee productivity increased by 71% when meetings were reduced by 40% at the companies surveyed.


Time management is the act of organizing one’s work and personal life, in order to facilitate effective progress through projects and goals. Therefore, self-actualization is achieved through understanding and optimizing one’s time management.

Time management is one of the most important skills we can all develop. When we are too busy we can’t get anything done, and when we aren’t productive we aren’t able to enjoy life. People who are high-energy tend to be good at time management. Time management is a process that involves pre planning and organizing effectively. It can be as simple as planning meals and typing out a grocery list, to giving time to focus on tasks that need to be completed.

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